A church on the North Shore that loves God, loves others and makes disciples, in accordance with ‘the greatest commandments’ and ‘great commission’ that Jesus Christ has given us.


Who we are

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Adam & Kylie Strickland

Hi, we would love to introduce ourselves.

We have recently stepped into the position of Senior Pastors of Belong Church.

We are very humbled and honoured to serve as the new pastors. We recognise we are playing a part in the story of Belong Church, which held it’s first service in 1988 at Northcote Intermediate School. It is a church that God has established and continues to build.

With that in mind we know this is bigger than us, it’s about all the families, and lives that God will use Belong Church to help, change and encourage for the gospel of Jesus.

Adam has a talent for organising teams and ministries. Adam helps develop the gifts and talents that God has placed on peoples lives. He can see the big picture, but also how to make it a reality. His preaching style is encouraging, prophetic and visionary.

Kylie is a creative, and enjoys seeing creativity expressed in church. She also loves intercessory prayer, and oversees the freedom prayer ministry. Her preaching style is more teaching/preaching, with a creative element thrown in.

We hope to continue to make Belong Church a welcoming, down to earth church that is focused on the gospel of Jesus, and what that means for your life.

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C3 Church Global is founded and led by Pastors Phil & Chris Pringle, it is an international movement of churches: Christ-centered, Spirit-powered and connect-driven. C3 Global is committed to healthy and growing churches around the world. As an international family, our members can walk into any of our C3 Churches and know they’re home.

C3 Church Global membership is by relationship and shared beliefs and values. Being part of the C3 Global family gives us valuable relationships, we also have spiritual oversite and support as a pastoral team.

There are 27 C3 Churches in New Zealand and a common question we get is how are they all connected? Each C3 Church has local independent governance - meaning a local board of trustees governs each C3 Church.

Belong Church is a C3 Global Church and we meet in one location - we have our own local board that governs our church independently from other C3 churches in Auckland.


A church on the North Shore that loves God, loves others, and makes disciples, in accordance with ‘the greatest commandments’ and ‘great commission’ that Jesus Christ has given us.

(Mark 12:29-31, Matthew 28:18-20)

Our Values

Spiritual Maturity (2 Peter 1:3-11)

Equipped to engage with spiritual practices with an authentic and genuine attitude not forced or religious.  We have a strong relationship with God. Faith that is tested and still standing. We have a constant pursuit to draw closer to God. 

Unity (Ephesians 4)

Our diversity is our strength. We are multicultural, multigenerational and multitalented. 
Grace and truth are key to making this work.  Spiritual gifts engaged and used to build the church.  We use these to honour and serve God in everything we do.  

Hospitality (Romans 12:9-13)

Loving others; our community and church family. We create a place where people feel at home. Where they feel they can relate to others. We make time and space for others in our lives to share food, talk, build each other up celebrate and laugh.

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What we believe

As part of C3 Global we have a shared statement of Beliefs