A church on the North Shore that loves God, loves others and makes disciples, in accordance with ‘the greatest commandments’ and ‘great commission’ that Jesus Christ has given us.

Everything we do at belong church is made possible by the faithful tithes and offerings of our incredible community

We are a community of faith with a message of hope, healing and love to our community

“I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.”

- Philippians 1:3-6

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Ways to Give


Internet Banking

You are able to give online direct to our bank account. Either one off giving or set up automatic payments.

Our bank account number:
ANZ 06-0265-0119234-00

PARTICULARS: Your Name/tithe number
CODE: This is where you would like your donation allocated. (’Tithe’ your tithe to the church. ’Beyond’ to missions and community care. ’Vision Builders’ to the building fund)
: any other info you want to include, or text that wont fit in the ‘CODE’ box


We have available at the at Info Desk on Sundays.


You can use Tithe.ly for Credit Card giving. Either one off gifts or set up recurring giving.


 Tax Rebates

You can claim 33.33 cents for every dollar you donate to approved charities and organisations by completing an IR526.

Belong Church is a registered charity. Our Donee Organisation Name is – C3 Church North Shore.

For all donations recorded under your name and tithe number Belong Church will issue a Donation Certificate Summary for the period of giving 1 April – 31 March. These will be emailed out in mid to late April.

It is important that Belong Church has your correct contact details including official name and whether you want combined or separate receipts with your spouse to help ensure a timely processing of the donation certificate summaries.

For further details about the government regulations and instructions on tax credits for donations please follow the link: Tax credits for donations (ird.govt.nz)

If you have any further finance or donation related questions you can contact us at mail@belongchurch.org.nz

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