wednesday 10:30AM FORTNIGHTLY

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You are welcome to join us at our communion service

Services are for connection with messages of hope, communion and prayer for healing.

Everyone is welcomed with a delicious morning tea and the opportunity to connect and have fellowship, friendship and have warm chats with each other. Mainly older family but all ages welcome. This is followed by an anointed sharing of the word and communion prayer for healing and needs. Different people are encouraged to minister in prayer. This group has a great sense of community love and support. There’s a WhatsApp group Golden Hub for prayer needs and sometimes an encouragement is put up. This is a great thriving ministry and growing. Everyone loves these times together and all are welcome to join us. Invites are sent out by text and WhatsApp. We care for each other, laugh and cry together. We love Belong and have hearts to reach out.

Pastorally cared for by Sue Piggin, with invited church guests ministering at each service